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Aggravating, annoying, irksome

Today’s word, mar•giz, aggravating, belongs to a grammatical meaning class in Hebrew that is called ‘hif•il,’ which includes verbs that are causative. This is a special pattern in Hebrew grammar that indicates that the verb is causing an action, usually affecting...

Stunning, shocking, astounding

Today, we introduce the word: me•ha•mem, stunning, shocking. The word is derived from the root HA.MAM. The overuse of this word, too, has gone way out of control, and young people (and quite a few adults as well) are using it as a filler in every sentence they say. It...

Amazing, astonishing

Today’s word, mad•hin, amazing, is one of the two most common words that are used by the younger generation in Israel to expresses amazement and admiration. Admittedly, the overuse of this word somewhat dilutes its magnitude. Although mad•him sounds like an informal,...

Hero, mighty

Today’s name, gi•bor, hero, is a very important word in the Bible, but unfortunately every single English translation missed it altogether! Every single occurrence of the 40 times gi•bor is mentioned in the Old Testament, and every single case of the five New...

Beautiful, pretty; handsome

Today’s name is very nice, or actually pretty. Nothing has changed from the biblical times, it is still the same word in modern Hebrew, and it is still beautiful as always. You may use this name to describe nouns or people. Just take note that not only people, but...