In his famous book “The Word: The Dictionary That Reveals The Hebrew Source of English,” Isaac E. Mozeson attempted to show that all languages were ultimately derived from Hebrew. Mozeson also suggested that the roots of all human words are universal, and that words have related synonyms and antonyms that must have been intelligently engineered.
We’ll take the biblical core name/word ‘Adam’ (Adam, man, mankind), and break it down to its related words, each adding solid proof for: 1. The metaphysical truthfulness of the biblical narrative, and, 2. The uncontested, tight triangular connection between Hebrew, the laws of physics, and scriptures.
Now think of the following English words: man, ground, blood, red, tears, Edom and Mars. Do you see any lingual connection between these words? Hardly.
However, in Hebrew the connection is as clear as day. All of these words are physically interrelated, demonstrating the relation of faithfulness between Hebrew and the Bible.
Man, mankind (adam) is the key to all of these words.
Regardless of your personal take on the ‘scientific’ Big Bang Theory and the educated explanations Stephen Hawking provides to support it, bear in mind that it’s all in the realm of metaphilosophy (philosophy of philosophy), but not even mere philosophy, and definitely not science because of the complete absence of empirical evidence about the Creation. You only need to look back at scientific theories of the last 50 years to discover that they change with time (about every 15-20 years a new theory bites and makes obsolete a part of the previous theory or even completely cancels the entire theory if you just give it more time. See Newton’s Laws, Quantum mechanics, and the Chaos theory). You can rest assured that the Big Bang Theory will find its safe path to humanity’s garbage can of false theories, just as well as the Flat Earth theory did. What doesn’t change ever is the Word of God. Personally, I believe it and only it regardless of how much I love science, and I do. I just remember to take it not with a grain of salt, but rather with a rock of salt!
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