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So, for the cat lovers among you, we’ll dedicate today’s word to this lovely animal which for some unknown reason is absent from our scriptures. The name ‘chatool’ is derived from the biblical verb ‘chatel.’ In the moment we disclose the meaning of this verb you’ll...

Living creature, living soul

The general name for all living creatures is ‘ne•fesh cha•ya,’ which literally means ‘living soul.’ We won’t even touch the rabbinical/academic/ethical argumentation about the question whether animals have a soul or they are moved by something like a built-in...

Doom, grave, afterworld

It is the real source of the word ‘doom,’ which among other later-added connotations means total destruction, death or the Last Judgment. Notice that just like ‘silence’ ‘doom’ is also related to ‘blood’ and it also indicates cessation! There isn’t in this world a...

Agony, sorrow, grief

Many times when you look up an English word in a dictionary (including in respectable dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster), the origin will lead you to Old English French, Greek or Latin, but will stop short before the true origin of thousands of words − the Hebrew...


Yesterday, we discussed the expression, ‘kol d’mama dake,’ which means ‘a sound of thin silence’ and showed that ‘sound’ in the Bible can be visible. We pointed out the inaccurate translation of the word ‘sounds’ to ‘thundering’ due to the excessive liberty the Bible...