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Whereas each of these two words is biblical – ko•ach is strength and se•vel is to bear, to suffer, and burdens, putting them together makes up the modern Hebrew expression ‘endurance.’ It translates as ‘the strength to suffer, to carry a burden. Here is an...

The Almighty, El Shaddai

Hebrew nouns have genders. Every noun is pre-determined to be either masculine or feminine. The sound of the noun usually discloses its gender. Feminine nouns normally end with the sound ‘ah’ or with ‘…et.’ So you can tell that ‘To•rah’ and ‘me•no•rah’...

hiding place

Listen to the sound of the word mis•tor. Say it, if you please, out loud. Can you think of a very similar English word? If you thought of mystery you are right! Basically it is the same word and there is no doubt about the Hebrew origin of mystery. Mystery entails...


The word hav•ta•cha relates to the word be•tach and bit•cha and the three words come from the root B.T.Ch. Reminding you that B and V are the same letter in Hebrew so that you can see more clearly the connection of the words to their root letters. This root and these...

…and great shall be the peace of your children

As per another special request we are sharing today a long forgotten biblical expression that are not in use today but it is still valid in biblical Hebrew. Let’s break down this expression to individual words: ve•rav: ‘ve’ is and ‘rav’ means ‘great.’ The word sh’lom...