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name, noun, reputation, Shem

The important names in the Bible were not given in random. As the story concerning each character unfolds, we learn how connected it is to the narrative, provided that we focus on the Hebrew name. English, Spanish, Greek and Latin, along with all other world...

don’t worry, it will be alright

Today’s first expression yi•hi•ye be•se•der is made up of two words: yi•hi•ye – will be, and be•se•der – fine, in order. The expression means many things that introduce an optimistic outlook at life that show self-confidence and even reliance on God’s miracles. It is...

excuse me, forgive me, pardon

‘S’lach li’ are the polite words you say to someone before asking a question or requesting something. This is the way you speak to a man. Unlike in English, where any request or command (the imperative form we discussed yesterday) is identical to all pronouns, in...

regards, greetings, salutation

Today’s expression ‘dash’ is written with two letters, ‘Dalet’ and ‘Sheen.’ It is actually not a word but the abbreviation of the two words: ‘dri•shat shalom.’ Literally, it means ‘seeking for the wellbeing of..’ The way you usually use it is by adding ‘le’ (to, for)...

what’s up? what’s new?

Today’s first expression, ma nish•ma?, means everything that the title suggests: what’s up? what’s new? how are you doing? It is the best conversation opener. Literally, the words mean something different. Just as in English, we don’t look for the literal...


Whereas each of these two words is biblical – ko•ach is strength and se•vel is to bear, to suffer, and burdens, putting them together makes up the modern Hebrew expression ‘endurance.’ It translates as ‘the strength to suffer, to carry a burden. Here is an...