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Many English first names are odd to the language or they are borrowed from remote languages with long-forgotten meanings, leaving us with a wealth of mostly meaningless names. Some of us believe or are aware of the connection between our given names and our journey...

Name, God, Semite

The core word ‘shem’ means ‘a name.’ If you ever need to introduce yourself to a Hebrew speaker, start with: ‘shalom, sh’•mi …’ ‘Hi, my name is…’ and say your name. As an informal nation, Israelis introduce themselves mostly by first name only. Mentioning...

robbery, evil-doing, Hamas

First, the transliteration ‘cha’ is the correct sound for the phonetic expression written in English as ‘ha,’ such as in the name ‘ha•mas’. It should be pronounced: ‘cha•mas’. It is amazing how one of the most derogatory words in the Hebrew Bible became the name of...

angel, emissary, messenger

As entities who are responsible for executing divine duties and missions that are beyond the power of all men, including prophets, angels appear frequently in the Bible: 119 times in the Old Testament and 93 times in the New Testament. Just like human beings, angels...

the heavenly throne

Ki•se ha•ka•vod is a metaphorical place that symbolizes the heavenly throne of God. According to tradition (and some Biblical substantiation), the four great angels surround the throne of God and serve Him. These angels are Michael (Archangel), whose name means...