by Dr. Mike Evans | Sep 27, 2016 | Blog
If you followed on March 17, 2014 and the weeks thereafter the mass media frenzy about the ‘earth shattering discovery’ of the ‘Gravitational Waves from the Big Bang’ – i.e. earth’s birth – you could not have not missed the joyous expressions of triumph on the part of...
by Dr. Mike Evans | Sep 26, 2016 | Blog
In his famous book “The Word: The Dictionary That Reveals The Hebrew Source of English,” Isaac E. Mozeson attempted to show that all languages were ultimately derived from Hebrew. Mozeson also suggested that the roots of all human words are universal, and that words...
by Dr. Mike Evans | Sep 19, 2016 | Blog
Today, we’ll learn two short words. Each is just one letter in Hebrew. The simple English word “the” is the definite article. While it is a word on its own in English, it is a prefix in Hebrew. This prefix “ha” (the letter on the right) is just a one-letter word in...
by Dr. Mike Evans | Sep 19, 2016 | Blog
This is the opening line of all the Hebrew Blessings. The English translation: “Blessed are You, Lord” is falling short from capturing the deep essence of this key blessing. “Ba-ruch,” supposedly “blessed,” comes from the infinitive “to bless,” which is an action that...
by Dr. Mike Evans | Sep 19, 2016 | Blog
The sound “cha” in “be-ra-cha” is pronounced like the Spanish “ja” in the word “Jalapeño.” The Jewish beracha, is a short prayer that is said during fulfilling one of the commandments (mitzvot), on holidays or on special occasions in life. It is mandatory to bless...
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