The word hav•ta•cha relates to the word be•tach and bit•cha and the three words come from the root B.T.Ch. Reminding you that B and V are the same letter in Hebrew so that you can see more clearly the connection of the words to their root letters. This root and these words mean safety, confidence, trust, assurance and feeling of peacefulness. All of these meaning are in the heart of today’s word – promise! A promise must be of something that is good. When we promise something to someone we give this person a sense of each and every one of the meaning above. A promise (of a good thing, otherwise it’s not a promise but a warning or a threat) grants safety, confidence, trust, assurance and peace.
Have you ever felt the pain and insult resulting from a broken promise made to you by someone you respected and trusted? Didn’t you feel betrayed?
Can you believe that God will ever break His promise? Will you trust a God that broke a promise he made to, let’s say, someone else? Can God break His hav•ta•cha to Israel his bride and replace her with another? There are those who believe that God has casted out Israel and abandoned it because it had sinned. Do they share the same Bible with us? Do they believe in the same God? They say they do and they read, teach, and preach from the same Bible. How could that be? God himself confeses:
‘And I will betroth you to me for ever; I will betroth you to me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in grace, and in mercies.’
And God himself makes the same hav•ta•cha to Israel dozens of times throughout the Bible. How can one live in peace with such a dishonest God? Aren’t these people afraid that they will be next to be thrown away if they should stumble and sin?
God is forever, Israel is forever and God’s promise to Israel and to every believer who follows Him, is solid and shall be solid forever and ever because God Himself is our hav•ta•cha. Just read again now in the lines above what hav•ta•cha truly means and you too can enter onto His peace. Amen!
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