Yesterday, we began a series of 12 expressions and idioms that is bound to enrich your Hebrew vocabulary, both in the physical and spiritual aspects, all involving a common noun that most of us use daily without giving it too much thought. This noun is p’ri, fruit.
Today, we’ll explore three of the most important Hebrew blessings that is the Jewish grace said before meals, and the wine sanctifying blessing that is said on every Sabbath eve and four times on Passover night (this is exactly, word-for-word, the blessing said by Jesus, Yeshua, and his disciples during the last Supper, which was the Jewish Seder), and on other festive occasions. Since nowadays many Christians take part in Passover Seders, whether at church or partaking the Seder with Jewish friends, it may be a good idea to become familiar with these ancient Hebrew, well-known blessings.
You may know that every Jewish blessing begins with the words: ‘Ba•ruch A•ta Adonai, Elo•hey•nu Me•lech ha•olam’ (‘Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the world’).
The food blessings are particular and vary by the kind of food eaten.
The blessing recited before eating fruit that grow on trees is: ‘Ba•ruch A•ta Adonai, Elo•hey•nu Me•lech ha•olam, Bo•re p’ri ha•etz.’ (‘Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the world, Creator of the fruit of the tree.’)
The blessing recited before eating vegetables, legumes and all land crops that are not of a fruit tree ends with: ‘…Bo•re p’ri ha•a•da•ma.’ (‘…Creator of the fruit of the earth’).
The very important wine sanctifying blessing ends with: ‘…Bo•re p’ri ha•ga•fen’ (‘…Creator of the fruit of the vine.’)
Yes, it may take some practice to recite these blessings, but it’s a blessing on its own to be familiar with this aspect of your true Christian roots…
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