“Ben ad-am” is made of two words: “ben” means “son” and “a-dam” means “man.” Together, they mean “son of man” which is the Hebrew way to say “a human being.” This word can be used as a colloquial, and as such it means “adult responsible person.”
“Adam” is also the name given by God to the first man He created.
With the definite article “ha” (the) this word is the name of Jesus as it appears in the New Testament: “the Son of Man.” Note that this name is not just “son of man” but “the son of man.”
“Ben Adam,” “a son of man,” appears 99 times in the Old Testament, most of which (93 times) are the name God calls the prophet Ezekiel.
“Son of man, I have made you a watchman to the house of Israel; therefore hear the word at My mouth, and give them warning from Me”
“As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbouring cities, says the Lord, no man shall remain there, nor shall a son of man dwell in it”
“Ben Ha-a-dam,” “the Son of Man” appears 68 times in the New Testament, always in reference to Jesus.
“As they were coming down from the mountain, he commanded them that they should tell no one what things they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead”
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