The word a•vo•dat comes from a biblical origin. It is derived from the word a•vo•da. The word a•vo•dat is the construct form and it means: “the work of…” It has exactly the same two meanings in both biblical and modern Hebrew: 1. work (labor), and 2. service (worship). In the Bible, this word is also used to detail the work of the priests in the Temple, which was mostly the work of sacrificing – giving God the burnt offering and offering of the vegetation. Today, a•vo•da mostly relates to work, but not to modernday worship. Similar to English, a•vo•da can mean both ‘work’ and ‘workplace.’ “I’m going to work” may mean, ‘I’m going to carry out the action of work’ or ‘I’m going to my workplace.’
In this entry, a•vo•dat means ‘the work of’ and ‘tze•vet’ means a ‘team’ and it does appear in the Bible. The expression ‘a•vo•dat tze•vet,’ therefore, is modern only.
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